Thursday, 22 October 2015

Winter coworking offer

New spaces and new prices.

As you will have noticed the winter is a-coming in. We're conscious that the Egg Factory, for all the warm welcome, is an industrial space and can get a little chilly when you're sat still. So we're making a special winter offer to members of £50 a month for unlimited desk time. You can have a small heater under the desk and if you wrap up warm, this should be a bargain. (Don't forget there's wifi and free tea and coffee) This offer will run from November 1st to March 1st and doesn't apply to printing, photography and big table use.

With this offer in mind we've been doing a bit of titivating of the desk spaces, and think we have something for everyone. 

If you've always wanted to hide away in a shed and stay close to nature how about this little beauty? tucked away behind the greenery in your own little world....

For those of a vintage disposition you can make yourself comfortable in this flowery study....

Or for the minimalist, white desk, white wall, no clutter....

Next to the window, the green desk guarded by the aloe vera

So get in touch if you're fed up talking to the cat and want to meet your fellow freelancers!